Inside Designer Rick Owens’ Creepy, Gothic Death, Mortality, and Utopia Venice Penthouse

Venice, Italy. The birthplace of the Italian Renaissance, still today one of the most important cultural centers in Europe and the world. With its beautiful canals, it has been named one of the most romantic destinations in the world to visit by TripAdvisor, and was named Italy’s number one cultural destination by UNESCO in 1995. Now it gets another name—the home to death, mortality, and utopia designer Rick Owens’ Venice penthouse.

The Venetian architecture

Designed by architect Andrea Palladio in the 16th century, the Venetian style is characterized by its ornate columns and arches, as well as its Venetian-style window shutters. Inside designer Rick Owens’ penthouse, these features are taken to a dark, gothic extreme. The overall effect is a bit eerie, but also fascinating. It’s like stepping into another world – one that is both eerie and beautiful.

Besides being an interesting architectural feat, it’s a thoughtful way of presenting what lies beyond death: A place where everything you knew is gone. In his interview with Vice, the designer explained his fascination with mortality: Death fascinates me because I’m always conscious of it happening.

The furniture has been placed just so throughout this grand space, some pieces glowing while others rest in shadows, giving off an ominous vibe despite their pristine condition.

Some of the couches are covered with stark white sheets; others are nestled against mahogany walls with glimpses of exposed brick behind them.

In many ways this penthouse epitomizes who Owens is as a person: Darker than usual but still fundamentally humanistic and hopeful about life after death.

The Seductive allure of this gothic mansion

This gothic mansion situated in the heart of Venice is the home of famed fashion designer Rick Owens. The mansion is rumored to be haunted, and it certainly has a dark and foreboding atmosphere. But there is something strangely seductive about this place. Maybe it’s the air of mystery that surrounds it.

Or maybe it’s the fact that it seems to be a place where death and life intersect. Either way, this penthouse is definitely one of a kind. And if you’re looking for some inspiration for your own house or design project, we think you’ll find this photo essay captivating. Here are 10 photos from inside Rick Owens’ Death, Mortality, and Utopia Venice Penthouse:

1) Photo from outside the home.

2) Photo of guest room

3) Photo of kitchen

4) Studio

5) Sitting area

6) Kitchen island

7) Drawing room

8) Bedroom

9) Bathroom

10). Office space is on the first floor, with an expansive living room overlooking the lagoon on the second floor. The bathroom features a bathtub as well as individual showers-again referencing that theme of water as both purifier and destroyer-and toiletries provided by Japanese company Kiehl’s.

One cannot help but feel like they have been transported into an alternate world when walking through this impressive manor. And though many would say such architecture could only belong in horror films, it also evokes deep feelings of awe and wonderment at the wealth needed to build such a place.

The Black Doors!

What would you expect from a man who once said, I am interested in death, mortality, and utopia? If you guessed a dark, gothic, and slightly creepy penthouse overlooking the canals of Venice – then you’d be right!

Designer Rick Owens is known for his avant-garde style, and his home is no different. The all-black space is outfitted with heavy drapes, antique furniture, and moody lighting. Even the walls are black – giving the impression that you’re walking through a dark tunnel.

Despite its morbid theme, the penthouse is actually quite cozy. There’s a fire burning in the fireplace and a comfortable-looking sofa nearby. The hallway looks like something out of a horror movie: there’s even a door marked Morte.

If the inspiration for this place came from anything other than an interest in death, we don’t know what it could have been.

The Spiraling Staircase

Rick Owens’ home in Venice is as eerie as it is beautiful. The dark, gothic décor is offset by the stunning views of the canals below. But it’s the staircase that really catches your eye. The spiraling stairs seem to go on forever, leading up to a hidden loft. It’s like something out of a horror movie – or a dream. You keep walking up, looking for the top of the stairwell… but there’s no end in sight.

Surreal Wall Decorations

Rick Owens is known for his dark, gothic aesthetic, and his home is no different. The walls of his Venice penthouse are adorned with surrealistic sculptures and paintings of death and decay. In the living room, a large painting of a skeleton hangs above the fireplace. In the dining room, a sculpture of a human skull rests on the table. Even the bathroom has a sculpture of a skeleton in the shower.

A small shelf above the toilet contains models of cadavers. One would think that such morbid imagery would be off-putting, but the art pieces are so meticulously detailed that they appear more lifelike than disturbing.

Eccentric Furniture Selection

Eccentric furniture is a staple in any gothic home, and Rick Owens’ penthouse is no exception. From the spooky black chandelier to the sinister-looking skull lamp, every piece of furniture in this home is designed to send a shiver down your spine. Even the bed looks more like a coffin than a place to rest your head.

But it’s not all doom and gloom – there are also plenty of beautiful pieces to admire, like the stunning marble fireplace and the ornate gilded mirror. If you’re looking for a truly unique home that celebrates death and mortality, then this is the place for you.

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