How To Get Cleaner Air at Home and Start Breathing Better

If you want to start breathing better, you can’t simply wait for the air to clear up on its own or rely on the government to fix everything. The best way to get cleaner air at home is by taking your health into your own hands and utilizing these five steps.

The Problem with Polluted Household Air

Did you know that the air inside your home could be more polluted than the air outside? It’s true! Indoor air pollution is one of the top five environmental health risks, according to the EPA. And it’s not just homes with smokers that are affected. Even if you don’t smoke, your home’s air quality could be suffers from a number of pollutants, including dust, mold, mildew, pet dander, and cleaning chemicals.

The good news is there are things you can do to improve your indoor air quality so you can start breathing better! One way to get cleaner air in your home is by adding plants into your environment. Plants filter out common household toxins such as formaldehyde and benzene found in household cleaners. Another option for getting cleaner air at home is to install an energy-efficient high-quality filter on all of the vents in your house.

These filters will remove any allergens or bacteria before they enter your living space, while also removing cooking smells like garlic or onion odors. There are also some DIY options for improving indoor air quality: try leaving windows open when possible (especially during daylight hours), running a fan in the kitchen while cooking or boiling water, and limiting use of candles and incense around pets or children (unless they’re outdoors).

The Solution – 5 Ways to Clear Bad Indoor Air

If you want to start breathing better, you need to clear the bad air out of your home. Here are five ways to do just that 1) Put a few drops of citrus oil in a bowl of water and light it on fire in your fireplace or gas stove. Citrus oils like orange oil can help remove odor molecules from the air while they’re being burned.

2) Add a few drops of eucalyptus oil to an electric diffuser plugged into an outlet near where you spend most of your time. You can also try adding a few drops of pine oil if you want something more fresh smelling. Eucalyptus is another good option for removing odors because it has natural cleansing properties and smells wonderful!

3) Burn scented candles when cooking, especially if you have allergies or asthma symptoms. Light incense as well for similar benefits! Burning scented candles releases negative ions that act as air purifiers.

4) Keep plants alive in your house with filtered water to cut down on allergens and clean the air naturally. These plants can be placed anywhere (even in the kitchen!) but will work best in rooms with lower ceilings like living rooms and bedrooms.

5) Install a HEPA filter with a carbon prefilter for allergy relief by reducing pet dander, pollen, mold spores, dust mites and other pollutants before they enter your lungs through inhalation. The safest bet is not to smoke inside too- this puts even more pollutants into the air you breathe. Remember to keep your windows open as much as possible during the day and turn off any fans/ventilation systems that may be circulating the air instead of circulating fresh air in. Lastly, take a deep breath outside for 5 minutes every day- it’ll make all the difference!

Set up air purifiers

Air purifiers are an effective way to remove contaminants from the air in your home. By reducing the amount of pollutants in the air, you can breathe easier and feel healthier. Here are a few tips on how to set up air purifiers in your home:

  1. Choose the right type of air purifier for your needs. There are many different types of air purifiers on the market, so it’s important to choose one that will work best for your specific needs.
  2. Consider the size of the unit. You’ll want to make sure that the air purifier you choose is the right size for the space you’re using it in.
  3. Determine where you want to place the unit. A lot of people forget about placement when they buy an air purifier, but this decision has a significant impact on its effectiveness. Place it near sources of pollution (e.g., pets) or areas with high humidity (e.g., kitchens).
  4. Make sure the unit gets enough power to run effectively. The majority of air purifiers need electricity to operate, so be mindful of this when selecting which one you want to buy and where you want to put it in your home or office building.
  5. Purchase replacement filters as needed or yearly intervals, depending on what model you get; not all filters need replacement every year though!

Replace old home appliances

Your home is your refuge from the outside world, but it can also be full of pollutants that can aggravate allergies and respiratory problems. Some of the most common offenders are old appliances that release particles into the air, like your furnace, water heater, or stove.

Replacing these appliances with newer, cleaner models can make a big difference in the quality of the air in your home. Here are a few tips on how to get started Look for high efficiency labels when you buy new appliances;

Consider investing in an energy-efficient heating system;

Get rid of any gas-powered yard equipment, such as lawn mowers and leaf blowers. You may not need this kind of equipment anyway—if you have a lawn service, see if they will do the work for you. And lastly, don’t store fuel oil in your basement or garage! If there’s anything about this blog post that interests you more than others, let me know and I’ll write about it next time!

Add an extra fan in your room

One way to get cleaner air at home is to add an extra fan in your room. This will help circulate the air and keep dust from settling. You should also make sure to keep your windows closed and your filters clean. Regular vacuuming and dusting will also help. If you have pets, bathe them regularly to reduce pet dander in the air. Finally, try to avoid using harsh chemicals in your home as they can contribute to indoor air pollution.

Open windows more often in your home

Opening your windows more often is one of the easiest ways to get cleaner air in your home. Not only does it let in fresh air, but it also helps to circulate the air and keep things from getting too stagnant. Just be sure to open them up for a few minutes each day, even when it’s cold outside, to let the air circulate. You can also open them up for longer periods of time when you know you’ll be home and can keep an eye on things.

Sleep with a good filter mask on

Sleeping with a good filter mask on can help you get cleaner air at home and start breathing better. The first step is to find a good quality mask that fits snugly over your nose and mouth. Make sure to check the filters regularly and replace them when they get dirty. You can also invest in an air purifier for your bedroom to help remove allergens and pollutants from the air. Finally, try to keep your bedroom clean and free of dust to create a healthy environment for you to sleep in.

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