The Story Of A Person Who Dreamed Of A Necluer Bomb

Leo Zeillard

Leo Zeillard was the first one to think that nuclear energy could make a horribly powerful bomb. Lisa Jardine sheds light on her scientific duties in light of this history. When I was a child, a large painting by the Hungarian physicist Leo Zeillard hung in our home.

Leo Zeillard introduced

Leo was introduced to me as innovative an ideal scientific figure, a person who had created great advances in nuclear physics. But because of his intense sense of responsibility, he was against the progress he had made. Had paid

I had the occasion to see an alternative side of his story a long time later. About 88 years previously, in October 1933,  Leo Zaylard was in London when he came up with the new think idea of making the most powerful weapon. The nuclear bomb is a lead source.

Lord Rutherford

Just two weeks before, a report had shown up in the Times Magazine about a speech by Lord Rutherford at the British Association. Rutherford was a Nobel Prize winner New Zealand physicist and head of the Cavendish Laboratory in Cambridge, England.

Rutherford elaborates in the speech how protons can be broken by throwing them at the atom, but also said that suggesting using the energy received from it is like “breaking the moon”.

He Answer Came

The report was taken Zaylard’s attention. They considered it in depth. Was Rutherford really wrong? Then one day colourless morning, as he was passing the road near his hotel. He was thinking about that. His answer came to his mind.

If 1 neutron is fired at an atom and 2 neutrons are radiated from it, and they both clashes with one atom and then two more neutrons are radiated from each atom. And so on, such atomic returns The chain can start which can create incredible energy.


Zeylard tells the story twice with minor alterations, but the story itself is strong and enjoyably detailed.


Rutherford’s provocation, the coldness that made Xellard not able to attend the speech, He one day spent thinking about it, and the consideration of changing traffic lights. All these parts make this storey colourful. Zeylard instantly realized the significance of his creativity.


To secure its security

To secure its security, they proprietary in the name of the British Admiralty. The dominant body of the British Navy. The patent included a detailed explanation of the ‘serial reaction by neutrons to an explosion.


He settled in the United States, wherein in August 1939 he wrote a letter to President Franklin D. Roosevelt telling him that a “series of nuclear reactions to a huge amount of uranium” was certainly possible and that a “new Technology” The strongest bombs can be made.

He cautioned that Germany may now be developing such a powerful weapon.


Zelard and Albert Einstein Wrote A Letter

He wrote: “If a single bomb is sent by boat and exploded in a port, the whole port and some nearby areas could be wrecked.”The letter was approved by Zelard and Albert Einstein. By the time the letter achieved Roosevelt, Germany had assailed Poland. Now the war was definite, so President Roosevelt noticed it could not be late.

The Manhattan Project

A committee was instantly done to start work on the issue. As a result of this delegation, the Manhattan Project started. The aims of this project were exalted and large funds were assigned for it so that an atomic bomb could be made in the shortest possible time. But less than 6 years later, in 1945, Zeylard was pressing the US government not to use the atomic bomb on nationals.

He knew better than any other human being how much ruin such a powerful weapon could cause. But the appeal, signed by various other nuclear physicists, never attained the president. Zeylard was so discouraged by the failure to stop the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki (according to a story I heard as a kid) that he rejected to do further work on nuclear physics.


It Was A Moral Duty

Instead, he completely changed his field of exploration and started working on molecular biology, a field that contracts with the commencement rather than the ruin of life. To my father, this bold step considers scientific moral duty. But I know today that as powerful as this story is, there is trouble with it.

In the situation of history, we frequently have to be careful about assertions that seem to fit the interests of the time of writing. By the time I heard this story, Britain was deeply bothered by the Cold War. In the years later the war. It was unworkable for Zaylard (and my own father) to get a job on a scientific project linked to nuclear physics.

General Leslie Groves

By the way, he did not know of his own infamy, but the fact was that in his minor he could not get the necessary safety clearance due to his compassion for the communists. So it was not that Zaylard gave up physical science on his own. At the end of the war, he was suddenly fired from the Manhattan Project by his military chief. General Leslie Groves.

Groves had forever felt that Russian supporters were with him and now he examined them as a very supermax threat. Zeylard had to change his scope, but by choosing molecular biology. He was able to predict the future because within just a decade. The ‘secrets of life, the structure of DNA, was about to be uncovered.

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